I'm just never gonna have a Seahawks QB this year am I? Price is crazy
Bennett is a beast, now I just need his brother
have they actually said that? DJ Reed's core card still only gets Jets
seriously EA, fix his team chems!
basically lining up in the A gap to blitz a few times = MLB lol
EA just never gonna give DJ Reed Seahawks chem and he was here for a while lol. Crazy how they've m…
Lol all this and we traded him, I want a super baller Ernest Jones IV card now!
make sure to chat every 15 min or the timer will stop counting. pretty lame they did that it's like…
I'm using Geno in CFB since he got a Legends card, though while we wait for a better Geno I think t…
yeah I'd much rather have a good Geno or Russ right now, tired of using lefties went from Tebow to …
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