So the new hero for elevation 1 can be used for the first release too? Meaning I should downgrade m…
For free I’m trying it. Only played 5 games last night and I felt my pocket was super clean. Grante…
This is good news. As close to secure protector as your going to get I guess.
Store offer for Parham - $25
Exactly. And free HB (can’t remember his name) Henry is still king. And I might take 3mill. I have …
I'm with everyone else. I'm trying to sell him because I was doing great with CMC, TD, and 0 AP Ang…
Wow. So a 96 costs 1 mill just to make it relevant ?
What do you need to do to get the 0 AP Secure Protector?
What do you have to do to elevate a 96? One level = ? Second Level = ? 3rd?
Wheew. I just bought Pouncy for and absurd price just for that 1 AP secure. Thank goodness.
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