Yeah, everyone gets that rewards glitch. If you go into the rewards path and keep clicking R1 (I th…
30/20 tt plays so well, in man or zone. Ball hawk.
Wow - I just looked at Larry Allen - 93’s across the board… a true 93 OVR. This is something differ…
Sharing your sentiment
They are clearly Eagles fans - they glaze that team any chance they can get.
The long game of this runaway train of a greed machine is to grind away the expectations of the pla…
No - he’s supposedly one of the All Madden LTDs coming Thursday!
Just $, boltz or randomly in packs.
Come to think of it, all these cards are limited in a way, which is going to drive his price up eve…
That OVR in the corner has been a lie for weeks now. All these cards are on par or a step backwards…
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