Love it man
Near the end of playing through the solo challenges. I guess it goes in the team start slot, even t…
Why make him bnd when this mode is a nightmare to play because of all the scum kicks, glitch blitze…
There’s a laundry list they need to patch to get me to play these modes. That draft event is unplay…
That doesn’t usually work for me - they have the user keyed on the running back and are already mov…
I’m losing my mind over these things. I cant play certain modes because it’s literally 3 out of 4 g…
EA gets the image right
I thought I tried it in every slot, but thanks - I’ll try it there. I need the team chem for tt, so…
Wow… on a commanders tt with the truck/break tackle strat, bulldozer, reach for it and wrecking bal…
That UF is a tease until the AP limit is raised, and even still… which is fine this time of year. I…
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