Try moving him around. He’s at DT for me and I run mostly Nickel 2-4 and 3-3 odd. I sub him in to p…
Gotta be aware of the 2-3 plays when UC isn’t lit though. Persistent makes it 8 on and 3 off I beli…
Absolutely. I ran UC, LA, TS and persistent for 1 ap. Outside corner. NEVER was beat over the top a…
Can someone reply to this when they fix the ability to use both peppers at the same time on defense…
Hard to say. If Randall has been playing well for you, then I would replace Donald and then you wou…
Anyone else running him with Odell carrying the 4th LOB chem? With theme team all stars boosts he’s…
With giants and Seahawks chems on him, LOB, 50/50 giants, and both Giants and Seahawks theme team a…
This is true - that comment made many enemies. I didn’t pay the premium, but I think every card is …
Yup. Till 10:30 Tuesday. When have they ever done that with a UL? They’re trying to kill the invest…
Who is the EA shill listing him at 345k when the lowest was 770k???
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