Yo… what are you doing with him? Had to move him inside because he was silent on the edge. Giants t…
You pretty much have to play him at DT, even though his abilities are for the edge. I have a giants…
The other comment here is spot on. One relies on full pass rush points, while the other uses double…
I was secretly praying for this. And the fact he’s not better than Bo is the cost control cherry on…
Going to have to try el toro, unpredictable and Mr big stop for 2ap at DT. He looks like a bull rus…
I feel your pain. I have to force myself to wait until day two. At least this one will be back at t…
Not sure, but he’ll probably get back up to around 700k when out of packs, so I’d just hold and get…
Should be Xavier Mkcinney in the next drop and we both win.
Packers haven’t gotten enough champions? Ha
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