New AP Adjustment
With today's update came a reduction in AP, from 12 down to 6 on both sides of the ball.
How is your team changing?
Any guys you're selling because of …
TVPs leaving vs Upgrades.
There's some very good cards that were released today. However, TVPs leave stores Thursday, and market crashes usually follow a departure of TVPs.
How much …
HBs you hate to see
Have you ever loaded into a game and seems a HB that you go "ah sh\*t, not this guy"?
I'd have to say, I think it'd be Gus the Bus. Quadfather doesn't scare…
Change the Comp Pass
If you had the ability to remake this year's concept of the Comp pass, how would you do it? There's a few rules to keep in mind though:
Rule 1: Must have th…
PSA: Power Up your Legends Players
I've been noticing that a good amount of people, when using players from the Legends promo, aren't powering them up.
This game is run on AP, and the Legends…
If You Had 2 More AP...
Last year, EA's way of increasing abilities on the field was to add more AP into the game. This year, they just discount everything.
But what if EA did add…
Offensive Budget Beast
After putting together the AP necessities forums, I decided to list some budget players, going off the AP necessities.
**Budget is 50K per position (XBox M…
Defensive AP Necessities
I wrote an article for offensive AP necessities. Keep in mind these are for budget/beginner teams, so what’s the best abilities for those 95+ teams won’t alway…
Offensive AP Necessities
When you're starting a team or building a budget team, there's certain abilities you're going to need to have a chance in head to head, for offense and defense…
QB Release List
Hi there. It’s been awhile and I thought this would help get everything into one place. I’ve constantly wondered which QB has what release and this will keep i…
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