Re: How much coins we all holding right now?
28.5 mil, NMS with a 91 OVR.
Re: what you think 89s will be selling for after harvest promo drops ?
It’s five 85 OVR Harvest players AND four 84 OVR (any) players though.
Re: Worst Mut Ever?
No way is it the worst. Certainly not the best. I remember when powerups were bound to your account for the whole year.
Re: Are the all madden 82+ packs glitched?
Where is this set? Not seeing it anywhere.
Re: TNF Contest (JAX vs NO): Win GG Points!
Kamara 76 yards
Re: What is the most you've ever spent on a single card?
3.5 mil on GT Ted Hendricks last year.
Re: TNF Contest (DEN vs KC): Win GG Points!
Re: [PSA REMINDER GUYS] Title Update & **Server maintenance for Madden NFL 24 is scheduled for 6:00 AM ET tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4th.**
Yep, scheduled for 6:00 AM, went down before 4:00 AM. Right on time.
Re: guardians strat is the compatriots chem for?
Same. Terrible communication on their end, as usual.
Re: guardians strat is the compatriots chem for?
Because the strat item boosts all GG players, not just the ones with that specific chem.
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