We finally have a counter to Dollar 😂
It's called Trent W, Mark Andrews, and Gronk TE with all Vanguards. Those 3 just Pancaked half the field.
How's your OBJ grind going?
Im at 58 wins and like 6 losses.Â
My team is 70 SBs, 25 raiders, 6 aka y2k, 6 combines motivators, 2 GTs, SS Carmichael
Yunghoe Koo Max Upgrade Token question
Do you have to win 10 h2h or SB with all aarp players or just Koo? I dont have room in my lineup to get all of them let alone wanting to play boring challenges…
Sherman is a GOD and a true GT...HOLY
He baited my opponent twice to throw 2 ints. I put him on a 15 yds Flat Zone... He played the flat at first and my opponent threw a corner for the right read b…
How much do you think GT will be?
I have 35 mil coins. Will that be enough to buy all?
Your Top 3 Favorite cards from this year MUT?
1\. Ghost Gronk MLB- I still think he's the best user this year and you can still use him with max out agility and cod with 99 accel/ 97 speed. Have the most p…
Make rights for h2h wins not counting towards 99 Raven C?
I went on two SB runs and my wins are stuck at 21. WTF, EA?!?! They objective expires in 2 days too.
Edit: Not related but I just sniped 99 Lamar for 600k o…
Can you get Aquib Talib for free?
If I grinded all the tokens? Or are we short. Need a new cb. Woolen's balance trait is killing me.
Anyone tried Roman Reigns at DT?
His ability stacks intrigues me. He will be replacing George Karl the goat on my team. Same AP set up but Im going to be running ETE, No outsider, and Interior…
Rip to all of those who hoarded 94s 😂🤣
Ea said no sir. We getting 98s.
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