Post link to ur team!
Post link to ur team! I want to see your teams so I can improve mine. I’ll put my link on here later I haven’t made mine on here yet. Thanks!
anyone ever won a raffle?
anyone ever won a raffle? if so what madden and who?
TNF today picks and comments bears panthers
So im a Panthers fan (its hard to watch) ik no one really cares too much but id love to hear what you all have to say. (Side Note i am cautiously optimistic bu…
NFL Free Agency
So what are y'all thinking about free agency this year? comments? im a panthers fan so im excited about miles sanders (sry eagels) (your wellcome cowboys) jus…
Linup Help. Thanks!
i got a mahomes (97 honors) to trade. im on ps. just 1 for 1 trades, i don't want to get scammed. thanks! (btw dont reply if u dont have a trade. Thanks!)
Cant wait for the reveal! i think it's gonna be good. with them being 98's, i think the markets gonna change a lot and theres gonna be a reroll too!
Trades for Cheetah?
OK So any 1 for 1 Trades for cheetah? im on PS5 so i need a 96/97 wr. (also dont repley is u dont have an offer) Thanks guys!
When do these come out? predictions? ovr? other comments?
anyone got some good cards to slide me cuz i got scamed and i need something. thanks guys. help me out.
anyone got some good cards to slide me? cuz i got scamed and i need something. thanks guys. help me out.
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