yes lmao people be taking out loans to buy packs to get these cards. just be making EA richer
no I'm just not about to give my hard earned money on a game i dont play professionally. just for t…
see i would make a smart comment because obviously you knew what i meant. but ill let your ignoranc…
not hating on anyone, but its crazy how people spend their life savings on a card thats only usable…
here's the thing, people blame EA for the market ( they Should improve pack odds). but there are pe…
im 40 rn comp pass helps alot
he would be great, but he just so small, went up against this guy who had all 6'6+ WR and TEs smh
down by 5 with two second. lop pass from the 19 yrd line. catch over double coverage. mans goated f…
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