Short stride bread loaf
Hoping the same. 500k seems low for LTD his stature
Has anyone notice his inaccuracy with blue throws lately? Ever since FA Release his throws have bee…
Darn I already sold. Now wishing could go back see which # I had
Can confirm he is still in packs ps5. 12:45 finally pulled mine. Now to keep or sell?
Man I snagged 800k thought that was a steal haha
Am I the only one that finds it strange an end game 99 receiver has the drops open passes trait? Ty…
I’m in same boat! Just pulled him for my first GT. Looks solid but 2 mill sounds decent
Glover Quin
No. He is the missing 3/3 TT Remix card we needed. The boost is insane. Place as backup and keep ru…
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