Re: Anyone else mad they didn’t do another dolphin?
Would have been more fitting to release a 70 over Russel Wilson totw
Re: Wtf is a redzone trip?
I still have no clue after reading this thread. Do you need to run a play inside the twenty or does any score count
Wtf is a redzone trip?
Is it a score or do you have to go down inside the 20
Re: How come there aren't new promos anymore?
Football outsiders was the best for k.and.p
Re: How come there aren't new promos anymore?
But there never's the exact same script so far
How come there aren't new promos anymore?
Seems like it's all so predictable and it has become even more copy paste in that all the promos are the same. What's up e the lack of creativity
Re: What determines the contents of a pack, date obtained or date opened?
Also, for packs w fantasy guaranteed over promo pack, contents are determined when granted. So getting the 86 ovr gg pack now wouldn't have the new ones from …
Re: What determines the contents of a pack, date obtained or date opened?
100% contents are determined when opened
100% pack odds and guaranteed minimums are determined when pack is granted
Two different things
Re: [PER EA DOUBLE XP]Starts today for season 1 field pass daily Objectives **IS NOW LIVE PER EA**
Understand the dilemma and speak intelligently
Re: [PER EA DOUBLE XP]Starts today for season 1 field pass daily Objectives **IS NOW LIVE PER EA**
You have to win to get better rewards. It doesn't motivate those of us who sick and just play for fun and reward triggers to bother with h2h