Did all totw cards lose their chem?
Only the new one have it
Re: Investing into QB Market, good idea?
it is, but you didn't invest in the qb market, you just invested in the normal cycle of all cards. it happens every monday sunday and always peaks thursday-sa…
totw thoughts with team of the month 92s
i think we are going to get the 83/86/89/92 and skip a week on the 90s....either that or they will just have 92s with the regular progression and require like …
Re: Investing into QB Market, good idea?
That's not investing, that's just timing the markets weekly Sunday/Monday dip and selling at peak Friday prices
Re: Investing into QB Market, good idea?
only limiteds, and floor totw/aka cards are a good investment, everything else will only fall.
luck animation stuck running back?
anyone else get stuck running backwards with the captain 91 card? he hikes it and just runs back
Re: Put a mega energy cell upgrade into player and it disappeared?
tokens are worthless tbh. once they are both at 88 there is nothing left to do with the tokens
Re: EA Brass
i dont think it was thousands of accounts. there are maybe 5000 people still playing mut seriously on each platform. the auction house is insanely dry on xbo…
totw should be nuts this week
all the mcs players will be rushing to stock up the totw cards and chem for wednesday night. do they have to submit lineups before totw cards come up or can t…
Re: Has anyone opened a Scary pack?
i did well on both of the lower tier packs that were a wheel spin. the highest one doesn't make sense. you really can't win at it.