Do we know if creed will give the OL a boost like Jensen last year?
If so may be a must cop
lol just watched a gronk sell for 2.61m on xb sx
looks like people still abusing the AH. every time someone does this it makes it more likely EA will make some stupid rule to screw the regular players over t…
so can you go from level 1 to level 27 for a price? if so what's the price?
like if i knew i wouldn't have to do any of the solo battles i did and could pay $5 to get to level 25 or 27 or whatever, i woudl have just waited and done tha…
why are the UK 88s so cheap?
it costs like 350k to buidl them if you snipe 85s at 70k
85s or 86s for the first 89 champions?
do you think 85s will be used for the first 89 champions? good time to stock up?
Dammit was you failed me again....sets not tracking field pass
Just built and sold 2 Aaron Rodgers. Still don't have the objective done to complete one ultimate kickoff champion....ffs
What is should have done to make the UK kickoff special mode viable and cards desirable
It should have been 79 or lower for any card except UK program cards....that way the crappy 85s/88s had an inflated value that would crash and use up coins for…
Gmm stream definitely posted an error graphic
It said titw set this week takes any 85 over preseason player. 85s shit up to 160k but there is no way that it doesn't end up saying week 1 85s. Those who b…
Solo battles broken?
Getting "our servers cannot process your request...."
Pro Tip: You can build Tyreek with 38 81 Totw players from any week
if you think he's going to be crazily priced, stock up on the 81s now. 81s can build any weeks 85