Re: [PER EA DOUBLE XP]Starts today for season 1 field pass daily Objectives
I just hope i can get enough xp to get that season 2 xp don't care about the rest. With the comp pass i believe what they could do in season 2 comp pass is ma…
Re: Forcing players online to complete passes…
I agree with your sentiment especially once the online component like house rules is no longer available. Add some objectives to allow you top complete that pa…
Re: Trade Block
it will probably return when the TVP is done
Re: Stocking Stuffers mishandled by EA
I am sure they are coming i guess my point was if they call them stocking stuffers we should have got them all before xmas to stuff our stockings lol. Stockin…
Stocking Stuffers mishandled by EA
What is up with stocking stuffers ? We were told every team was to get one as in previous years. At this point that hasn't happened. Christmas is done there i…
Re: Yall ever Play madden on PC?
I played Madden 19 on pc with mouse and keyboard that was wild lol......i have upgraded to a controller for PC since then life is much better lol
The Most Feared solo challenges stats are tracking for me but not Solo battles
Re: Madden 23 PC Question
I played Madden 19 on PC using a keyboard and mouse now that was a trip lol
Re: Which CH 87 are you taking as your BND from solo's?
Will report back when i finally get my pack for the solos i finished a day ago lol
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