so is he veteran or what? now hes green but then hes yellow
Most def
his old one was shit gen 2 or something but slinger 5 is amazing yeah now that they updated it
So it means 100 yards in a nfl game from side to side gl not getting tackled while having light jog…
Maybe 2 or 3 but woolen checks him in every category cant find one that this one does better other …
He must be doing some sexy blocking then or what I double checked and his total yards in 3 years o…
Only seen like 3 of em this year maybe again ROH since tony g was last year but yeah just who would…
Yeah Iam sure you are correct - got him for less than 2 on launchday now almost 3 I also bet he wil…
prob will happen and dont think I havent? :p just hope its not a let down with toty then hes gonna …
for myself I need multiple top corners but I get you its not a budget beast most def but it might j…
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