Well I sure am with my playoff 60/60 TT he will be nice add to my Oline :)
I mean Woodson is p much around the best of all time regardless of team - Ofc deion maybe rod woods…
60/60 PO tt is still gonna be good for a long time trust me
Seen the redux on lamar or randy etc? They were still 1.5-2mill after redux for another month or so…
Henry just got drini in madden bowl with him game deciding pick with that 98 jump - he might not be…
Just saw him decide game against drini with him - he might not be tall but seemed like he was jumpi…
Weight...203lbs yeee Sapp work on them weights boi xd
Unless you get him for hella cheap agreed :/
What tt are you running? Id say Skip on Jamar at least for now since he is costing 2 mill and is no…
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