zero chill ltds
why have they dropped so much in price so fast?
Vick or Henry ?
Which would you guys recommend for running back?
Best players
Has there ever been another year in mut where all of the best play cost close to 2 million coins at least?
Head to head
What’s the point of having a 94 ovr team when you get beat by teams that are well under that ovr? Wouldnt it make more since for the lower ovr teams to get blo…
nothing like winning a super bowl only to pull nothing higher than an 86 from the rewards packs.
is he worth the coin over Levis?
hurts or flacco?
which would you guys recommend for qb?
Faulk or Gurley?
which would you guys recommend for running back?
patterson or faulk
which would you guys recommend for running back? can only have one.
I guess not many were pulled from the special offer pack , price still isn’t going down.
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