Damn good stats for a 90 OVR. Congrats Titan fans!
Nice! I am surprised that he isn't in CUT yet...Maybe the CUT creators are Michigan fans and are to…
Faneca Legend coming to MUT???
I am thankful for that one!
Thank you EA!
Thank you Alan Faneca!
Nice! His attributes actually warrant the 93 OVR rating on the card!
That sucks! The Steelers theme team is a lousy 87 OVR that is being boosted by a few LTDs that are …
Damn. I am glad to get a decent Steeler, but you are right, these attributes do not add up to a 92 …
Yes it is. We allow people to jump on the bandwagon any time they want to! We need EA to join in. L…
Yeah, happy to get a Steeler. Israel gets the bench after I get Clark.
I see 8 stats listed. Only 1 stat is a 95. How is this card a 95 OVR? Inflation?
I did not get mine either. When I did my AKA challenges, it looked like the XP being earned was be…
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