Bro the reshad jones combine fs is still the best in the game. Deep oit and mod for 0 woth the shut…
That free harrison smith is pretty nice. Even at 97 woth mid for free he played well in the box bit…
Weak as fuck u cant run 2 zone kos
How has andrews played for you? Im torn in brtween my line rn. Got thomas(Lt sp) owenu(lg sp ad) li…
I got big ass fingers so makes it hard to type while driving
If heyward dodnt get yac em up and evasive peopes take its all daym he def plays better and humps o…
Hell yeah. Put red zone threat on him and he beats. Obv x favtor make shim cracked. Ive had heyward…
I jist boight him last night before i went to sleep. I alreagy got DPJ, NICO, Aka Meg, Comp JJ. So …
Same herw bro its fj irritating. But his base one that needs 3 catches works just fine
Ido what the reel deal is with his xfactor but its pissing me off. I bought him to upgrade his 95 j…
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