0 ap gunslinger and pass lead elite if he gets it if not set feet lead 3 ap hot route master 2 ap p…
He does NOT get pass lead elite. The website is lying😂
Woah fill me in what I’m missing. I line at d line?
He’s over 246 he’s was gonna move slow no matter what
Njoku was like 4200 so I assume that’s what he’ll be too
My guy they made him a righty as soon as I saw that he was still a qb I instantly knew it too proll…
Alr got Njoku
Maybe bc he’s an o lineman?
Not worth it don’t take qbs in bnd packs. Take depth positions like I took revis bc multiple cbs pl…
That Randy is not that good Herman Moore is basically the same card and will by 3x cheaper
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