I know this won’t be a new topic to discuss, but I feel as though I just needed to vent my frustrations somewhere.
I would consider myself to be an above average player at the game, who solely plays with a NMS squad and have managed to build a fairly solid squad this year in MUT. However, my love for MUT has been declining week by week this year due to the gameplay.
I thought I’d jump on this evening to gain the last XP I needed for the field pass before the new season starts, but I can’t even bring myself to play it. I played a total of 4 games, each consisted of god squads with the likes of Brady, Harrison Jr, GT Gronk etc and they all ran the same stupid RPO BS every single play (and I mean EVERY single play). I constantly feel like it’s pointless to even attempt to make somewhat of a deeper pass on offence with all the KO abilities across the DB’s, but I wont bring myself to spam RPO cheese plays up the entire field.
I know some of you will be thinking “thats how football is played” but remember this is a game, it’s meant for enjoyment. I may be wrong, but I genuinely can’t fathom how someone can gain any kind of satisfaction from running a total of 3 plays out of their offensive playbook.
Resultantly, I decided to just play some regs and my word the gameplay is far more enjoyable. I just wish EA would make MUT resemble that, but we all know that wouldn’t happen. I’m just praying that CF25 and the next MUT25 have learned that this type of gameplay isn’t what we want as football fans and consumers.
Apologies for the rant, I really just needed to vent and see if anyone else feels the same as I do.