Is it just me or is the oldest child the most under appreciated member of the family. At least in my family it is. I’m 15 years old and in 11th grade, I’m supposed to be in 10th but I’m homeschooled. Im planning on graduating early and in 1.5 school years i have taken 4 college courses, those are chemistry history English and Spanish. I follow all my parents rules and only play for 3 hours a week. I’m not allowed to have a girlfriend, and i have had a crush on my friend for 3 years now (she doesn’t know). My little brother is 12 years younger than me. I help with chores, i help take care of my brother. I try my best to get straight A’s in school. Yet what i do is still not enough for my parents… especially my mom. I’m doing all of this, i follow all their rules but my mom seems to find the most trivial of things to ruin my day. The does this day by day, week by week, month by month
Sorry about this rant… i know it’s not the most positive thing in the world but i just needed to get this off my chest… thx for reading