I watch Swift and RBT. RBT is just for fun and Swift is very helpful. I believe he uses this site so if you are Swift plz contact me! Who do you watch?
Zirksee and papa
PlasmaBeam5229 said:Zirksee and papa
I've heard of Zirksee but never watched him.
I watch a big variety of Madden YouTubers but I mostly watch surtsey, MMG, samiyos (mostly MMG)
ActualCC, TDBarrett, Kaykayes
Only one I ever liked watching was MikeMAACC and his no money spent series.
He‘s quit YouTubing though since I last heard and is going for his law degree but he was always a good one and entertaining to watch.
Throne and ijoebruin
MMG, RBT, Surtsey, ActualCC, JR Mystery, YoBoyPizza, and geo playz
Busta said:Only one I ever liked watching was MikeMAACC and his no money spent series.
He‘s quit YouTubing though since I last heard and is going for his law degree but he was always a good one and entertaining to watch.
I loved his videos man. sad to see him go but it was in his best interest so i support it
MMGoat, Swift, and ActualCC
The ones that teach you how to play the actual game, not the ones that tell you which packs are worse than the other.
KayKayEs just for fun even though he sucks lol, RBT, YoBoy Pizza, Throne, CC
Amungusbeest said:I watch Swift and RBT. RBT is just for fun and Swift is very helpful. I believe he uses this site so if you are Swift plz contact me! Who do you watch?
Just sayin, Swift is the biggest clickbait ever
epicaaron23 said:MMGoat, Swift, and ActualCC
Same, but not swift, he sux
EazyBreezy said:I watch a big variety of Madden YouTubers but I mostly watch surtsey, MMG, samiyos (mostly MMG)
papa is the OG