Hello all. I hope you are enjoying the NFL Playoffs.
I am NMS but Madden is the only video I play, when it's in season. I have a 60/60 theme team with 98 speed safeties and linebackers, 98 speed HB and TE. OL +3 strength sheesh etc. Josh Allen budget QB over stroud and McNair with 94 speed still and 4AP PLE. Unstoppable Fearless XF.
I think it is too overpowering. How do you allow a 95 OVR team with that speed so early in the game? We will have TOTY, UL, NFL honors and super bowl promo to go... and u gave us 98 speed cards? What a mistake. I promise u it is NOT nessasarily pay to win to get it. Cheap sets and other BND ×2 chems.
I think it was a mistake, and 2× better than ZC theme team and definitely ghosts theme team bc ghosts theme teams LOSE attributes on your team.