490k or 10 bucks. I took the 10 bucks option, pulled 99 Kelce lmfao. Made back all the coin I blew last night. What did y'all get or are you not bothering
I tried it
95 Redux Petrie
I quickly remembered why I haven't bought packs in awhile.
Congrats on your pull!
Original post moderated
Yeah I would never buy that with coins unless I was filthy rich tbh
I PULLED THE 99 KELCE! I was mad about wasting money LTD search g last and MUT made my day on that pack. I’m keeping it not selling it. I had 2000 points left from yesterdays spending spree and boom 1050 give me that Kelce.
Yea 95 Dustin Hopkins huge L
Torry Holt... I hate this game sometimes
Ingram Weekly Wildcard
I would pay $10 for a high five before I spent it on madden in March !
I’m assuming not worth it with coins but I super tempted
Daddy said:I would pay $10 for a high five before I spent it on madden in March !
Haha 100% accurate
spent the coins and broke even with toty QB Josh Allen
GameAce92 said:490k or 10 bucks. I took the 10 bucks option, pulled 99 Kelce lmfao. Made back all the coin I blew last night. What did y'all get or are you not bothering
Grats, of now I have to try my luck, in sure I'll get a 95 TOTY or something. Are these BND? Uggh.
Very on brand, after giving EA my $8.99 for 1050 Points the game froze / crashed and I didn't actually get my points. Hopefully they'll show up shortly, after my third attempt closing and relaunching the game. Lovely.
But seriously, congrats. Glad someone scored. Hope he's useful (or worth a ton of coins). Cha-ching. 🤑
EDIT: Got 96 OVR Weekly Wildcard - Greg Van Roten (RG) which is actually perfect because I'll now upgrade Larry Allen Ghost of MUT to finish five-wide Secure Protector. Could have been WAY worse.