Welp guess we have to be MCS guys to be able to have these.Even the new Lions with the Blue Hoods was in MUT tonight.
Didn't even notice. Had it on in the background at work and only opened twitch to claim my packs. Didn't look at any of the games even once. I have no use for that awful presentation with those awful commentators.
Yeah i noticed that too if that isn't a giant middle finger to us idk what is. Hopefully S4 brings use some fucking uni's 🙄
man they gotta have an alternative uniform set in sets. why is this not a thing they’re just cosmetics??
RyyoLurkedEm said:man they gotta have an alternative uniform set in sets. why is this not a thing they’re just cosmetics??
Agreed man last year we had them from doing TOTW solos and now these are nowhere to be found
glasscitytitan said:Yeah i noticed that too if that isn't a giant middle finger to us idk what is. Hopefully S4 brings use some fucking uni's 🙄
Yup and at this rate i wont bank on it these are pure gold to EA just like strat exchange sets
You would think ea would have the mcs guys use the alt unis as a way to promote them for S4 but like slammer said they are Pure gold to ea lmao I just had thought as too maybe we will get them for s4…. Under the premium field pass and wil probably raise the price for premium lmao
Slammer4244 said:Yup and at this rate i wont bank on it these are pure gold to EA just like strat exchange sets
Not having a strat exchange is soo frustrating use those exchange sets to make coins