No real MUST add players as everyone is pretty similar.. I would say.. a QB with slinger 1 or 3 is better depending on how you throw the ball. I like Lamar for 3 and CJ seems great for 1. Both 99 speed.
it seems like you are more of a runner based off offense abilities I would just focus on SP on oline. NS is good on them also.. getting HL on you TE or WRs helps also. the new TE strange is nice with HL and SIE for 0ap..
for defense just depends on your scheme.. zone and man require very different players.. but focusing around KO abilities vs acros has seemed to work out for me so much more.. All the rookies with 2 0ap abilities have been nuts for me. and for Dline getting TS is a must.. Tuli is great.. Suggs is okay (not much pass rush ability when I tried him). Lukas has been great for me and I have noticed a difference between TS and ST.. Breece has been a stud DT for me so far also