Hey y’all,
I don’t have a favorite NFL team. I have favorite players (they’re favorites for a variety of reasons), but no team. Having trouble deciding if I should run a theme team in MUT23. Last Madden i played was M20 and I ran the Packers for a majority of the year because Rodgers was one of my favorite players. Considering going that route again, but also debating just running my favorite guys.
I’m NMS - so i don’t have unlimited coins to run a legends theme team or to choose a super expensive team (like the Raiders). Really just looking for advice on a few points.
- Are theme teams (and the boosts) worth it?
- What theme teams are the most “fun” to use (not necessarily the best teams)?
- OR - is it just as good to run favorite players and say forget the boosts that come from theme teams?
Look forward to any advice/suggestions y’all may have.