Buy 2 98 ROH and get dickerson and sell. Rinse and repeat a few times and you got 300k coins in 15 minutes
haha made so much coins with this thanks bro
bobotrom said:haha made so much coins with this thanks bro
Your welcome
98 ROH players are 205k minimum. 205k for 2 is 410k. Unless you're selling a 99 ROH for 457k (which is not possible on current gen auction houses right now and hasn't been for weeks), it's a net loss every time lol
What dickerson is selling for 470k
MUTGOAT69420 said:What dickerson is selling for 470k
Damn, he's only 400k on Xbox. Tough
m1k3y6i2 said:Damn, he's only 400k on Xbox. Tough
I am on playstaion sorry
Even if you’re selling him for 470k that’s only a profit of 13k coins each time you do the set and sell (If you get the 98’s for 205k each). You would have to do the set and sell 23 times to make 300k profit.
SlowAndSteady said:Even if you’re selling him for 470k that’s only a profit of 13k coins each time you do the set and sell (If you get the 98’s for 205k each). You would have to do the set and sell 23 times to make 300k profit.
If you sell him for 500k thats 40k profit
MUTGOAT69420 said:If you sell him for 500k thats 40k profit
But even so to get the 300k you said you made you gotta do the set 7-8 times And hope all 8 of them sell and hope he doesn’t drop. And if you’re listing them all for 500k people undercut everything to sell it faster. I dunno for 40k I feel like there’s other sets that are way more profitable and take less time And effort. But if its working for you that’s all that matters
Someone trying to sell their 98’s. Propaganda