At the risk of creating more competition for myself on the marketplace, I felt it worthwhile to share a coin making method I discovered today that netted me around 1.5 million in profit or so. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s thought of this but I haven’t seen anyone mention or post about it so I wanted to share with the community.
The 93+ set that came out today is profitable if you can 1. Get your 93’s for under 34-35k (which has been extremely easy to do), and 2. Sell your 98 for around 280-290k, which I was able to do all but once today.
I was getting my 93’s for around 28-29k, so this set would cost me around 232k max while returning around 261k minimum, assuming I could sell my 98 for 290k. I also got lucky and sniped more than a handful of 93’s for 20k or under which certainly helped.
I can see this method being viable for the remainder of the season as we’ll be getting new 98’s for the next few weeks and demand should be remain high. Let me know if you have any luck with this!