Any help is appreciated
I believe it will give your user better animations in some situations. Other than that I'm not really positive and I probably wouldn't equip it on a user for more than 1 ap.
Pick artist biggest benifit is that it helps you get tipped passes. So many AGG attempts down the field that when its knoked out and you are around it spam Y and you will most often catch it. IF you have pick artist or tip drill.
It’s nice to have on your user if you can get it for 0. Otherwise you might not make a few plays that you would with PA. But on a user it’s definitely not required and I wouldn’t for 1 AP.
I sometimes have connectivity issues, so for me it can be hard to time when to go for a pick without seeing, "bad user timing."
To make up for this latency, I always make sure to run Pick Artist on my user so i can literally hold down the triangle button. Having pick artist negates the "bad user timing" allowing you to catch any ball that touches your hands.