Is it still worth it/profitable to do the full elway set? I have so many cards now from blitz to fill a lot of the spots but I assume it will still be a lengthy and expensive process to finish it. I have only completed one of the team diamond sets so would be a commitment. what do you all think?
I did it this weekend and made a killing. However I preeped last week knowing that elites would drop and bought all the golds last weekend. some of them have skyrocketed due to elites getting cheap. So if you are trying to do it I think the golds may be where the coin sink will be.
Don’t overpay to much on the golds or you’ll get a ban for coin distribution
I did 18 of the sets last weekend I received a couple wipe Monday morning. I won some Super Bowls and sold some of my cards. Tuesday I didn’t get on the game so I used the app to buy Hayward. When I got on around 11pm I did my daily. Then instantly got banned. It is a permanent AH trade block ban. I appealed and lost. I’ve never bought coins. Never sold coins. All I did was use the app and apparently that is no buemo.
I finished the set this morning. Paid 250k for Huber and was expecting to get a ban from what everyone else has said. No ban luckily. I’ve never bought or sold coins.
BendTheKnee said:I finished the set this morning. Paid 250k for Huber and was expecting to get a ban from what everyone else has said. No ban luckily. I’ve never bought or sold coins.
And coin wise how did you do? and how long were you working in the set?
I actually probably made a couple million. It took me maybe 16 total hours. The gold cards were the hardest. I would open the set on my console and then search 75-79 for whatever team I was doing, then I’d go 80-81, then 82-83 etc. was faster and easier that way. I’d write down the cards that were overpriced or that weren’t for sale and then periodically check. I also sold all the diamond cards I got. I was expecting to get banned but never did. I try to buy the more expensive cards (Huber) on my console. Also I had a few million before I started so I could do multiple sets at once.
BendTheKnee said:I actually probably made a couple million. It took me maybe 16 total hours. The gold cards were the hardest. I would open the set on my console and then search 75-79 for whatever team I was doing, then I’d go 80-81, then 82-83 etc. was faster and easier that way. I’d write down the cards that were overpriced or that weren’t for sale and then periodically check. I also sold all the diamond cards I got. I was expecting to get banned but never did. I try to buy the more expensive cards (Huber) on my console. Also I had a few million before I started so I could do multiple sets at once.
Sitting down with a game plan and writing out things seems to be the best way to go. When Team Diamonds released this year I had not sold a single gold or elite in my binder all year up to that point. Even with that said, on day 1 the most cards I was able to put into any TD set was like 17. Not even half the set requirements.