I run chiefs playbook on defense. My DT2 is not seeing the field ever. DT3 is in the four man fronts. Has it always been this way? I thought DT2 was on the field in dime and 4-3.
I thought DT2 was supposed to be on the field for 4-3 as well. I think dime might use the RDT in specialist tab though.
Is your DT3 set as a RDT in the specialist tab?
Check your specialist and compare to to your d formation. Running dime playbook will often resort to one RDT and LER and RER. If you have your DT1 or DT3 set as your DTR1 then that would be why you are not seeing the DT2 out there.
Check your specialists and see who RDT 1 and 2 are. These are the players that will show up in that formation
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