To summarize: Ea is a shit company and i hope they lose their contract and someone can make a decent game.
Ea is literally making it impossible for the normal/casual madden player to enjoy the game just to get back at people who took advantage of their mess ups.
These packs are entirely too expensive and rewards aren’t really worth it since you can’t put them in a set and as expected they didn’t make rewards better lol.
I know for a fact if I never would have gotten in on glitches i wouldn’t touch this game with a ten foot pole and it really sucks that they continuosly screw people over.
With the new ap it makes it impossible for theme teams to be used in this ability driven game as 6 ap is nowhere near enough when your team still has a line man under 90 ovr with no free abilities or even multiple.
Want to use your favorite LB? Welp you can’t because they can’t intercept a ball without lurker and pick artist because they make them unable to animate without those.
I really hate the fact that I didn’t play the game for a year and come back and the game is in a worse state then it was when i left but its supposed to be the most “polished version in a long time”.
I think i’m gonna skip out on 24 unless i can find it in the discount bin at gamestop for five bucks cause that’s all this price of shit game is worth tbh.
Like gutfoxx said if madden23 was a love letter to john madden then they must’ve hated that mf lol