I get that prices are expensive for cards. I get that it is hard if you don't spend money on the game....But EA just dropped Josh Allen at level 41 of the field pass who is the best QB in the game and that includes LTD Lamar unless all you do is run with your QB......they dropped 94 Deion - by FAR the best CB if not he best defensive player in the game , for free .
But all I see are negative posts from NMS players ....I thought this was a step in the right direction, isn't it? They can't make everything free, but the best offensive and defensive cards in the game are free with grinding
If you are a NMS player, what do you think EA should do better? I mean, pack odds suck - maybe increase those and make more packs purchasable with coins? Maybe allow you to get 1 master per promo by grinding? What would make you happy as a NMS player?