I know this has probably been gone over, but just wanted to ask… If i convert about 800k coins into candy, which path would be smartest to take? I have 3 options currently. 1. Open small egg rolls and keep everything. 2. Open Large egg rolls and only keep Eggstravangant Eggs. 3. Open large egg rolls and keep everything. I dont care about losing too many coins, just want to have fun with the game at this point and risk some coins on eggs and want to get bang for my buck so I have a bunch of cool Eggs to open on 4/17. I know smalls give you the biggest upside for the lowest cost, but let me know what you guys have done or think i should do with my budget. Rocking a maxed Vikings theme team so, again, im not worried about having to buy any players or losing TOO many coins Since my actual team is competitive enough to where i wont be distraught about winning games if i lose upwards of 300 to 400 thousand coins if it comes to that Extreme.
edit: thanks for the suggestions. I think I’ll roll the random egg roll and keep everything like Yanks said. I want a lot of eggs and a wide variety and I have the eggstravagant black egg with Michigan color claw marks already so I at least have one eggstravagant to open if I happen to not pull anymore