about to get Ed reed and was wondering, if players have a certain play they run non stop, can they just pick a different play out of that same formation and just audible to the one they use non stop and not trigger the ability? If that’s the case I probs won’t use the 2AP and just use it elsewhere. Seems like an easy get around but hoping that’s not the case
Dodgersfan1997 said:about to get Ed reed and was wondering, if players have a certain play they run non stop, can they just pick a different play out of that same formation and just audible to the one they use non stop and not trigger the ability? If that’s the case I probs won’t use the 2AP and just use it elsewhere. Seems like an easy get around but hoping that’s not the case
I haven’t used it this year but last year it would still show the play art if they audibled.
SlowAndSteady said:I haven’t used it this year but last year it would still show the play art if they audibled.
Even if they started with a different play and then proceeded to audible?
Dodgersfan1997 said:Even if they started with a different play and then proceeded to audible?
I feel like this is a confusing thing to explain.
Here’s what I remember from last year:
-Offense would call a pass play that has been called several times, Film Study would show the passing routes.
-Offense would then audible to a run play, Film Study would show the run play.
-Offense would then flip the run play, Film Study would show that the run is now going to the opposite side.
I don’t know if it works like that this year. I also can’t confirm exactly when it triggers. Like if you’re asking if they pick a different play and then audible into the play they’ve already called several times? I don’t know for sure if it will trigger the play art in that situation.