can prebuild these 93 cards with zc chem for less than 400k
Huh? Ur gonna be able to make sets with them?
twitchtaxpro said:can prebuild these 93 cards with zc chem for less than 400k
Could you explain this a bit more please?
efj115 said:Could you explain this a bit more please?
well there is a FIF set to make the 92s with 1 92 legend and 1 any 89 so i imagine there will be a 93 legend, any 90 to make a 93 fif
This is not a bad move honestly at 93s vs 300k. Market will dry up quick monday. Stashed 20x 93s at 300k myself just incase slight bump.
Eagles215 said:This is not a bad move honestly at 93s vs 300k. Market will dry up quick monday. Stashed 20x 93s at 300k myself just incase slight bump.
thats about what i have. it's pretty risk free since i'll roll the training into zc players trying for a limited or 93s when the new drop hits
Its very risk free. Hoping they get to 440k monday to make 100k a pop. If it doesnt 330-350k to break even.
poopoogame2 said:What’s a “FIF” card?
Football is Family
i heard only the LTDs get ZC chem?
RyyoLurkedEm said:i heard only the LTDs get ZC chem?
My 92 ronde gets ZC chems
None in the AH at that price point (PS5) right now. 350k+ and up.
I have to admit that I never paid much attention to FiF so I have no feeling if there is a demand for that set tomorrow.
It's a bit overwhelming at home is going on contentwise atm and I've been focusing on ZC.
Totally out of luck with the snow though as I'm playing offline online and I've only collected 1,400 so far.
FIF get nice zero chill bumps, but they don't get the free ability bucket so I'd rather just have a zero chill guy instead. But yeah, could probably make some coins on this strategy.
twitchtaxpro said:thats about what i have. it's pretty risk free since i'll roll the training into zc players trying for a limited or 93s when the new drop hits
Super smart, thanks for pro-tip. I totally snoozed on Legends this weekend.