How am I supposed to do this I’ve gotten all the tokens from Genki force pass and the store thing is gone where u can buy them with stars snd he’s only a 95 how do I max him out
Bobob said:How am I supposed to do this I’ve gotten all the tokens from Genki force pass and the store thing is gone where u can buy them with stars snd he’s only a 95 how do I max him out
Add a 96 champ to make him a 97
Can I use the bnd from the star offer and is it worth it
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Bobob said:Can I use the bnd from the star offer and is it worth it
Yes you can use the 96 BND to fully upgrade other cards, same with 93 BND for lower tiers.
Is it worth it? Well, that is entirely up to you, but be advised he no longer gets +5 SPD boost after February 28th. Get Peyton Hillis for 300k if you can afford it, way better with Angry Runs.
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