I’m new to Madden and I’ve seen people with coin stacks of like 4 or 5 million. I have a 92 overall team and like 200k coins NMS. Are there any sniping methods or sets I should be doing?
I’m nms, started with it got on game pass
97 ovr sitting in about 3.8m
I made a bulk of my coin by grinding fkr training not buying it
super bowl sets were close enough to break even , ar some point s even profitables to make for free training form bnds
the id open TVPs with basically house money, only needed to make like 60k coin oit of 60k training to break even, which mroe often than not was a poor fit
I started just after Christmas, as my main account got an unjustified AH ban around Thanksgiving. I have been able to build a top team and coin stack through playing all solos and SBs as well as taking advantage of market ups and downs with the TVPs. Sets are always a good way to make coins in any case. Snipe pieces and sell the set result whether you get BNDs back or not.
people with coin stacks are either spending money or have played all year. It doesn’t come easy. keep at the grind