I consider myself a good player with 11 SB wins in 23 but am interested to here what yal have to say.
21bird314 said:How do you check
Unless theres a database somewhere I dont think you can. Itd be cool if there was one like Fortnite or COD had but I just go off memory. Looks like you have a couple of you cant remember tho lmao
Id40pieceyou said:Unless theres a database somewhere I dont think you can. Itd be cool if there was one like Fortnite or COD had but I just go off memory. Looks like you have a couple of you cant remember tho lmao
Go to H2h seasons and go to the leaderboards you’re data will be at the bottom is and number of sbs is one of the stats
Jfuertez said:Go to H2h seasons and go to the leaderboards you’re data will be at the bottom is and number of sbs is one of the stats
Thank you
5'ish. Only 3 actually went the whole game. Lost 3 on top of that.
I’ve won 18 and I’m ranked in top 800 on leaderboard. the higher levels though I get way more disconnect loses and just weird stuff. I’ve had probably 3 or 4 super bowls Where I’ve been winning and got disconnect losses lol.
Id40pieceyou said:I consider myself a good player with 11 SB wins in 23 but am interested to here what yal have to say.
I'm 479 and 290... with 17 SB wins. Took a nice break from March - June... but back into M23 since then. Looking forward to M24... unless they really nerfed my Saints PB.
I think I’m prob a 6/10 player, and I won 7 this year
i probably lost another 2 maybe 3 super bowls though
Futbinuser said:I’ve won 18 and I’m ranked in top 800 on leaderboard. the higher levels though I get way more disconnect loses and just weird stuff. I’ve had probably 3 or 4 super bowls Where I’ve been winning and got disconnect losses lol.
Makes sense because the disconnect cheesers are probably lifetime undefeated lmao. Good for you bro!
QB283 said:I think 3 or 4
Yessir keep up the grind
WoodyWoody said:I think I’m prob a 6/10 player, and I won 7 this year
i probably lost another 2 maybe 3 super bowls though
Not bad everyone that makes a lot of title runs will lose them. Congrats dude.
Jfuertez said:Go to H2h seasons and go to the leaderboards you’re data will be at the bottom is and number of sbs is one of the stats
Didnt know this Ilol have to check soon. I appreciate it!