I actually had pretty good luck, rolled 530k training and got 1.8 million back and I spent 1.3 million coins(no LTD's pulled). But I've heard ppl also lost millions and some people even lost their team(lol). Also, heard people make millions bc got stupid lucky and pulled tom and other amazing pulls. How much coins have you made/lost off of TVP's
2.4 mil ripped 3 and pulled Brady for 2.7
Around 4 mil lost from 6 mil training. Pro star fantasy pack method has gone to 💩. Would’ve been worse if I hadn’t pulled 5 LTDs. No Brady obviously. If you are going to try this today I suggest SB packs instead. People are still having good luck with those.
I honestly think they did something to hurt the people that roll a ton a training in TVP's. When the pack first came out my first 2 pulls were an 88 Plat Aaron Donald and LTD Flacco. I rest of that round of about 250k Training, I pulled 2 94 Redux and 2 more 87 Plats. I should have stopped there. I rolled another 800k of Training in 200k increments and ended up losing about 400k coins total. Not 1 more LTD or 1 more 88 Plat. Had to pull at least 40 gray strats and about a dozen or so Solar Powered uniforms. Didn't have 1 pull higher than a 92 in player cards.
pulled brady then only finished off that roll then stopped rolling
0 made and 0 lost
These TVPs were terrible. I lost around 1M coins total.
Friday night I opened a million in super bowl and pro GameDay packs and had pretty greatluck. I am so glad I decided to just sell everything off Saturday instead of quickselling it all Friday night. People are getting done raw by this tvp haha.