Whats better boys tackle supreme or secure tacklers?? Been going back and forth on this and can’t decide for myself. Any help is appreciated.
Cmcgill865 said:Whats better boys tackle supreme or secure tacklers?? Been going back and forth on this and can’t decide for myself. Any help is appreciated.
For me tackler supreme works the best and it is super effective against the big runners or the sort passes
Tackle supreme over secure tackler
dont really need any unless u struggle against the factored RBs outside of that tackling is easy unless ur bad at tackle battles
QB283 said:Tackle supreme over secure tackler
Tackle supreme seems to be way better than secure tackler. I've seen secure tackler light up on hit sticks (oddly enough) and it light ups about 50% of the time for conservative tackles.
none, I just dive at players legs unless I don't think I can get there, the akas I have no problem with because they can't run without there ankles 🤷
supreme tackle for me