Are we gonna see rising or falling prices tomorrow? I Sold my top 3 cards (98 Furious George, 98 Gus the Bus, 98 Fuller) after the Market Inflation in thursday and Im Not Sure when to Rebuy Them...
Well I think furious George will rise to 1.5 mil Sunday due to people having plenty of coin from egg glitch.the AKA ltds will rise but the 96-99 non Ltd cards will drop for a short time.
We might see some prices fall on Sunday. Especially those cards that end up being in eggs. Tricky part is all the cards you listed are LTDs so there won't be an increase in supply of those unless EA surprises us with new redux cards in game. Any decrease in their price will have to be from a general reaction to the market rather than the market being flooded on them. Plus them being LTDs puts a floor on their price. You'll definitely want to wait till Sunday or later to rebuy them as they probably won't be cheap enough to profit from selling them considering the 10% tax until eggs rerolls are gone.
Take it as a lesson learned. Never sell LTDs expecting them to tank. I think its a big hassle to sell off ones team hoping to buy back and make millions of coins. Not worth it and a big hassle and risk.
Hope you didn’t make a mistake man. Never sell LTD’s looking to rebuy them - those cards aren’t being released again until reduxes. If you were going to sell anything, it should have been ROH, FA, Combine, or Game Changers, as those are the cards likely to be in the eggs for tomorrow. It’s all speculation at this point, but nobody thinks there will be any AKA eggs so nothing should make those cards drop in price at all.
90's to 93' should drop in price
Expect 96-99 non-ltd cards to plummet.
I'm not really sure. I expect non-LTD cards to drop in value since there will be a massive supply right away. But everyone who profited millions because of the egg glitch will have tons of coins, so LTD's that aren't available may shoot up like crazy.