Awesome for you and once I get home from work, I'm gonna WORK on getting him myself. Question about his abilities and release though.....
He gets Slinger 1, the Rodgers release, best in the game. Gunslinger does not increase throw power only release speed, so is it even worth it to put gunslinger on a card that already has the quickest release in the game? BTW, with the LIP legendary card and Legends chem, etc, you will get 99 THP on him. I have +4 on Culpepper right now so +4 on Elway gives him 99. Just insane. Doesn't help with bad reads like I am prone to make from time to time though LOL
Again, grats and hopefully I will be able to get him later tonight
Also.....are people buying Team Diamonds in the AH, I don't know if a lot of people have that many coins ? Maybe people are buying their favorite and card for their TT .....
Well wish me luck for later guys, LOL