With the UK promo, I know Steelers can get Hargrave, Herbig & Spillane. And yes- I have them.
however, JuJu would also get Steelers Chem- but he will never appear on my team. Having met him and his mom, I was prepared to see him as a Steeler for life. Then he went to the hated Cheifs. And then, just to really get me angry he goes to Bill B & the Pats. Talk about the biggest dagger to the heart since James Harrison pulled something similar!
so- do y’all have players that you will NOT put on your Theme Team? Just curious if it’s me only or if there are others that do the same.
and TBH, I’d much prefer not even using guys like Hargrave & Spillane- but until the season moves along, no current players get decent cards.