I have created a team just for running stretch outside very time, I have 5 vanguards on the field, and an angry runs freight train William Perry. Zero qb, my qb is a gold. all ap on line and te and rb. my one receiver is ed too tall with 98 run block and vanguard as well. can’t wait to see my oponents reaction, no this is not my main squad.
seeing as you only get 3 xfactors and theres only 2 non-xfactor vanguards, I call cap
That’s why I have William Perry so I do t use a X factor spot
Cmanjup said:That’s why I have William Perry so I do t use a X factor spot
angry runs is an xfactor
How do have that you can’t have that many x factors on the field
It's ok son, we still love you, and half of us are doing the same <3
There are two players with baked in vanguard and William Perry has baked on freight train
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