Why did u get rid of legends tt when ur just making ghost of mut future the best tt ever, with aka ltds now getting GOM future chems just should've kept legends tt especially since anyone could run it budget or money now GOM is gonna be it till the rest of the life cycle makes 0 sense.😒
50/50 ghosts of future is not cheap
HEV said:50/50 ghosts of future is not cheap
Ik that's my point GOM future can't be ran budget but atleast last year u could run budget legends tt and still be up there team wise
Hurtsmvpszn said:Ik that's my point GOM future can't be ran budget but atleast last year u could run budget legends tt and still be up there team wise
Think you answered your own question there. EA doesn't want us to have budget teams.
maybe we see UL chem
Breakluna said:Think you answered your own question there. EA doesn't want us to have budget teams.
Yeah sadly that's the case crazy how much they've tried to kill budget teams this year
RyyoLurkedEm said:maybe we see UL chem
Mhmmm you think the ul tt will be an actual tt or like it was last year?
Hurtsmvpszn said:Yeah sadly that's the case crazy how much they've tried to kill budget teams this year
Thats a sign to stop giving them your money